Is Your Dentist Keeping up with Technology?

Is Your Dentist Keeping up with Technology?

Technology is advancing in every aspect of our lives. It is certainly something we focus on here as your dental provider. However, a new provider to your area may have every shiny piece of equipment, and a state of the art office, but there is a huge value add to years of experience, training, skill, and treating numerous patients who have presented with curious and challenging cases. The knowledge necessary to effectively diagnose, treat and follow up takes many years to achieve.

Dr. Rizza is proud to belong to an exclusive group of dentists who have received extensive training in CEREC one-visit dentistry. This group, known as Cerec Mentors share their knowledge by helping to teach other dentists in the same courses they themselves have completed, and educate the newer professionals on how to use this technology to provide the best care to patients.

CEREC uses computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing technology to take pictures of your teeth, and the software defines the area that needs to be restored, fitting and inline with your natural alignments, and creates a precisely fitted restoration. Amazingly, this all happens in ONE visit, allowing you and your dentist to resolve your Dental issues in one visit.

Learn more about our Success with this technology at First Street Smiles and book your cosmetic restoration today!